Looking to make your property portfolio more energy efficient?

Whether your objectives are climate-related, part of a CSR or Sustainability Strategy or you have an obligation to help tenants and residents save money on energy bills, this page is for you.

Ecofurb and Parity Projects tools have powerful property modelling capabilities that support decarbonisation projects for anyone who owns, part-owns or is responsible in any way for large numbers of properties.

For Local Authorities

Ecofurb pulls together all Parity Projects and CoreLogic’s experience of managing social housing retrofit into a service that meets the needs of owner-occupiers – your residents – to support them to take action on reducing energy use at home.

If you’ve got Net Zero targets that require your residents to do their bit too, then Ecofurb can help you persuade them to get involved.

For Landlords

Futureproof your property portfolio and get compliant with climate-related regulation from MEES to carbon emissions targets.

Making your houses more energy efficient and cheaper to run also benefits your tenants by reducing their monthly bills – making them more resilient when it comes to paying the rent when the cost of living or energy rises.

For Businesses

Whether you want quality assured advice for your retail banking customers to bring green finance to the market, or to help your staff reduce the carbon emissions from home-working, we have a plan to upgrade every home to make them energy efficient and cheaper to run too.

Ecofurb gives homeowners access to their individual home retrofit plan, and provides the service to implement it.

For Mortgage Lenders

With more focus by Government and financial regulatory bodies on measuring and leveraging financed emissions, as well as consumers making climate-friendly financial choices, Ecofurb can help mortgage lenders to prepare now for the decarbonisation of their mortgage books to reduce risk, improve reputation and support customers to reduce and decarbonise their home energy use.