Help your residents get to Net Zero for healthier, wealthier communities
Ecofurb is a one stop shop for home energy efficiency upgrades, from identifying solutions to installation.
Ecofurb is a one stop shop for home energy efficiency upgrades, from identifying solutions to installation.
Our team provides housing analysis, retrofit assessment and coordination for the landlords of over 2 million homes and quality assures the work done through Government funding schemes, such as ECO and the Social Housing Decarbonisation Scheme. Our technology stack works at scale to help you identify the need and opportunity for retrofit, and deliver services to your residents and Officers.
And now Ecofurb pulls together all our experience of managing social housing retrofit into a service that meets the needs of owner-occupiers to support them to take action on reducing energy use at home.
If you have a Climate Change Strategy that requires you to support your residents to decarbonise and reduce home energy use in order to meet your Council’s Net Zero targets, Ecofurb can help you achieve this.
We have every single home in the UK in our database – with information included from their EPCs, from OS and LIDAR data and from exhaustive cloning and analysis of similar housing types, drawing on both our own research and the data from analysing over 2 million social housing and local authority-owned properties.
Using the Ecofurb Options tool to edit their home’s details and their budget, householders can get a topline view of retrofit recommendations for their home and budget. This service can be white-labelled for local authorities to use as part of your retrofit campaigns and to promote action in your communities.
You can then send follow-up communications (with their consent) to encourage them to take practical action, whether by getting further information via an Ecofurb Plan, or going straight to installer quotes for single measures.
We can provide a landing page which contains the free Ecofurb Options planning tool, and that tool can signpost to additional relevant services such as the Great British Insulation Scheme or your Council’s grant schemes.
There is also the potential for generating seamless referrals into your grant-funded schemes. Our service can be PAS2035 compliant where required, and we are also able to undertake grant eligibility checks within the Ecofurb Plan process.
Through our extensive measurement of user journeys and priorities through the Ecofurb Options tools and Ecofurb Plans, we can help you identify what energy efficiency measures your residents are interested in, and target group-buying schemes or supply chain activity around those, knowing that they are what your residents need and that there will be demand for your local businesses to provide those services.
We can also help you create peer to peer sharing of experiences by identifying Ecofurbers in your area who could act as householder advocates for home energy efficiency retrofit.
We will provide reports on Ecofurb Options usage, as well as training for staff or local advice providers on how to use the online tool to provide advice. The Ecofurb marketing team can support your communications campaigns by collaborating on joint promotion to local residents.
Because the Ecofurb Options tool is online, we can track multiple measures of success, such as the number of sign-ups in your area and what measures people are interested in, and through our advanced CRM system we can also track how many of your residents progress to a paid-for Ecofurb Plan and then installation (where they use Ecofurb’s network of trusted, quality assured installers).